
We are supporting right-to-repair laws for software, worldwide

If you buy a software tool, you want it to be your tool to use and repair however you choose.

May 23, 2023

Right-to-repair laws for software
Right-to-repair laws for software


In our rapidly advancing digital age, software has become an integral part of our daily lives, powering everything from smartphones to appliances, and even vehicles. However, the right to repair these software-dependent devices has become a growing concern. Enter the global movement for right-to-repair laws, which aims to empower consumers with the freedom to repair and modify their own software-enabled products. In this article, we explore the status of right-to-repair laws worldwide and their significance in the digital era.

Understanding Right-to-Repair Laws

Right-to-repair laws seek to provide consumers with access to the tools, resources, and information necessary to repair or modify software-enabled products. These laws address the issue of manufacturers creating barriers that limit repair options, often through proprietary software and restrictive practices.

Software, being an essential component of modern devices, plays a crucial role in right-to-repair discussions. The ability to access, modify, and repair software allows consumers to extend the lifespan of their devices, reduce electronic waste, and foster a more sustainable approach to technology.

Global Progress on Right-to-Repair Laws

While right-to-repair laws initially gained traction in relation to physical repairs, such as replacing batteries or screens, the focus has expanded to include software-related aspects. Here's an overview of the current state of right-to-repair laws worldwide:

  1. United States: The United States has been at the forefront of the right-to-repair movement. Several states, including Massachusetts, New York, and California, have introduced bills to support right-to-repair for digital devices, including software. These bills aim to ensure that consumers have access to repair manuals, diagnostic tools, and necessary software updates.

  2. European Union: In 2021, the European Parliament passed the "Right to Repair" resolution, encouraging the European Commission to propose legislation for durable, repairable, and upgradeable products. The resolution encompasses both hardware and software aspects, promoting transparency and accessibility.

  3. Canada: Canada has been actively discussing right-to-repair legislation, recognizing the importance of empowering consumers. Several provinces, such as Quebec and British Columbia, have proposed legislation addressing the repairability of digital devices and providing access to software documentation.

  4. Australia: In Australia, the right-to-repair movement gained momentum in 2021. Various advocacy groups and industry associations have been pushing for the introduction of legislation that supports consumer rights in repairing software-dependent devices. The Australian government has undertaken inquiries to assess the necessity of right-to-repair laws.

The Significance of Right-to-Repair Laws for Software

Right-to-repair laws for software offer numerous benefits to consumers, the environment, and innovation:

  1. Consumer Empowerment: Enacting these laws gives consumers greater control over their software-enabled devices, reducing their dependency on manufacturers for repairs. It promotes a more competitive and open repair market, allowing individuals and small businesses to provide repair services and offer alternative software solutions.

  2. Sustainability and Reduced E-Waste: By enabling repairs and extending the lifespan of devices, right-to-repair laws help combat the growing problem of electronic waste. Repairing software issues can prevent premature device disposal, contributing to a more sustainable future.

  3. Innovation and Knowledge Sharing: Access to software documentation and repair manuals encourages knowledge sharing among consumers, repair professionals, and the broader community. This fosters innovation, as individuals can develop customized software solutions, modifications, and updates that cater to specific needs.

  4. Economic Impact: A robust right-to-repair framework can stimulate economic growth by fostering job creation in the repair and maintenance sector. Small businesses and independent repair shops can thrive, contributing to local economies.


In an era where software powers our daily lives, the right to repair software-enabled devices is vital. Right-to-repair laws worldwide, including their focus on software aspects, are gaining momentum and offering consumers newfound control over their technology. By enabling repair accessibility, we can promote sustainability, encourage innovation, and empower individuals to take charge of their devices. The global right-to-repair movement marks a significant step toward a more inclusive and responsible digital future.

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